
Sunday, November 18, 2012


Tulsi tea for fever

Crush 10 Tulsi leaves,10 peppercorns,and a 2 gm ginger piece.Boil them in 2 glasses of water till the volume reduces to half.Filter and add rock candy sugar/mishri.Drink when slightly hot.Drink this tea 2-3 times a day depending on the intensity of the fever.
---As told by Panditha Elchuri.

Hair related problems

Folklore medication for dandruff and many more hair related problems

Dandruff is the most commonest complaint what most of us are suffering from.There are many causes for this.
- dry scalp
- infection of the scalp
-fungal; infection due to unhyginic condition
-use of strong chemicals
-using some others comb
-unhyginic condition
-greasiness of hair and scalp which in turn gives shealter to the dirt and other bacteria to grow.....
Many more causes


1.The best said folklore treatment is application of the paste of onion to the scalp and keep it for about 30-60 minutes

2.Application of the paste of neem leaves.

3.Soak dried methi seeds in water overnight and then make a paste of this and apply it to the scalp.This not only helps in danruff conditions but also helps in hairfall and also helps in new hairgrowth and leaves back the shiny nature of hair and make haircolour black

4.Application of aloevera pulp is also beneficial

5.Paste of hibiscus also helps in strenghtening the hair roots and removed dead cells in the scalp.

6.Application of sour curds acts as a conditioner and also helps in dandruff

7.Take a cup of sour buttermilk to it add powdered gooseberry then allow it to soak for 5-10 mins .Apply this to the scalp and keep for 20 mins.this helps a lot.

8.Internally i advice to take nimbadi guggulu and arogyavardhini rasa.This will be a complete treatment.

9.Mear application of coconut oil is also a good medication
10.avoid using heavy conditioner,and strong shampoos.
11.application of limejuice to the scalp in every 15 days cures this problem .This should be done atleast for 4-6 times to get a beneficial result.
12.Try using cleaned comb always after heat bath.
13.Apply luke warm oil always to the scalp and massage gently for about 10 mins in circular fashion and then apply all the above pastes for better and quick results.

14.Make a dilute tea decoction add lemon juice with peals and bring to a boil.After cleaning your hair wash with this liquid .This prevents greying of hair and also gives natural shine to the hair.
15.a cup of warm milk added with a spoon ful of honey taken during the bed time helps in a sound sleep and also leads to jet blackand thick hair.
thick hair.

16.Application of thick paste of mint with little tulsi to the scalp after oilingshows very good results in case of dandruff and leads to sound sleep also.
17.Fresh leaves of coriander should be blended into a paste using water and applied to the scalp and hair once in a week atleast.This shows wonderful results in case of hairfall.It leave sthe hair colour darkblack,and even shiny.

18.Application of lemon juice to scalp ie clean scalp also proves beneficial.Ie. should be done next day of hair wash
19.application of dhurdoora patra thailam is very beneficial .



Immunity is the natural way by which our body protects us from natural ailments or diseases. Our body has immune system by the help of which our body can fight against antigens which was previously recognised by the defence mechanism. This is mainly done by the antibodies. There are certain primary detector cells which recognises the antigens just when they enter into our body and produces antibodies to protect our body against them. The bodies immune system thus acts like a key in the maintenance of good physical health.
A nutritious balanced diet ,healthy life style,clean and clear healthy environment,genetics all of these factors directly helps in building up the immune system.
The immune system which is like an army protecting and gaurding our body is based on the lymphatic system and the white blood cells of the body[blood stream]. There are many other organs which also contribute like spleen,skin,respiratory,digestive etc. The lymphatic system comprises of the various regions where in lymph nodes are located i.e, network of lymph nodes and vessels which helps in returning fluids from intercellular spaces to the actual blood stream which then circulates all over the body. The lymph node,thymus gland and spleen are the constituents of lyphatic system. This lyphatic system produces lyphocytes it further engulfs or kills the foreign particals,cancerous cells or microbes. Thus thier presence in the blood stream is as special indication.
There are 2 types of lymphocytes-
1.T- lymphocytes [produces by thymus glands]
2.B- lymphocytes [ produces by the spleen ]
The white blood cells found in the blood stream like phagocytes and and lymphocytes destroys the invading bacterias and removes the dead or unwanted cells and tissues which cause damage.

Signs of low immunity :-
The person becomes vulnarable to cold ,flue ,thoat pain,head ache,fever , allergies etc more frequently

Auto immune diseases:-
Conective tissue disorders like Rhuematoid arthritis,Rhuematoid fever,Scleroderma,SLA etc

The food articles and habits which helps in boosting the body's immune system are-
1. Food rich in vitamin A,B -complex,C and E.
2. Food comprising of high calcium,selenium and zinc.
3. Omega-3 and 6- fatty acids which are usually found in nuts,seeds and oily fishes.
4. The protiens which are found in lean meat, fish and pulses.
5. Fibers found in fruits ,veggies,grains and pulses.
6. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, pranayama and such other breathing exercises,yoga,meditation
7. Clean environment.
8. Bright ventilation .

good fiber veggies(very good for babies)

Hidden secrets about nature

1.Sweet potato:-

Rich source of vitamin B6,C,E, beta-Carotene,iron,potasium,fibers

Variety of vegetable:

Some facts about this tuber-
The orange variety is better than the white as it contains more beta-carotene than the white. Beta -carotene is a carotinoid with anti- viral,anti-cancer,anti-oxidant properties. Hence go for the orange variety
This is a carotene which our body converts into vitamin A which helps to fight against cancer.
The vitamin E here helps to maintain good health of skin and hair.
The skin is full of fibres
This vegetable can help to lower the cholesterol and enhances the digestive function naturally.

Carrot is a vegetable which is rich in nutrients essential for the eyes,improves vision.


Vitamin K, beta carotene, Folate, Calcium, Iron Zinc, lots of essential fibres.

- Carrots are the richest sources of beta carotene which is further converted by our body to vitamin A which is an anti -oxidant.
- This helps to fight against virus,cancer cells and prevents heart diseases by streanthening the cells in natural way.
- Its rich in Vitamin K which is useful in blood clotting and quick healing of wounds
- As its rich in fibres it helps in proper digestion of intaken food articles and expulsion of wastes.Thus renders a healthy heart condition.
- It contains chromium which helps in regulating blood sugar level and meets sugar cravings in case of diabetic patients.

root vegetable

Vitamin B1 , beta carotene, Fibers.

Types of yams:-
White , yellow and purple

- Yellow variety is rich in beta carotene.
- Helps in boosting immune system as it strengthens the cells due to vitamin A [Conversion].
- Assists the body to deal with pollutants.
- vitamin B1 is used to increase the energy levels and eases depression,stress thus inturn helps in boosting immune system
- As they are rich in fibres it helps in keeping the digestive system in good condition.


- Vitamin B1,bB3, B6, C,folate, copper, iron, potassium, fibres.

Cheap and rich starchy vegetable.
- Rich in vitamin C which is very essential to keep the immune system healthy.
- New potatoes are much better compared to old as they are rich in antioxidants.
- The fibres here aid the process of digestion and lowers cholesterol .Thus heart healthy.
- Vitamin B6 again boosts the immune system by by boosting amino acids which are essential for good health.B6 is very essential for the phagocytes to engulf or eat up the waste materials and dead cells.


Vitamin B1, B6, Sulfur compounds,flavonoids.

-Good and helps in building up immunity
-the strong odour helps in tingling the nerve endings,thus helps to regain conscious in sizures.
-It has a higher level of flavonoid quercetin,which is a strong anti oxidant which can check or block the growth of cancerous cells.
- Quercetin is anti -inflamatory,anti biotic & anti viraland like beta carotene its not destroyed by cooking.
- Its found that onion helps in supressing the activity of halico bacter pylori bacterium ,which is resposible for the food poisoning and ulcers in the gastrium.
- It helps to lower the cholesterol,thinning the blood and prevents clot formation . Thus heart friendly.
- Good when taken during running nose and dry cough whith a piece of jaggery.It must be taken raw.
- It may cause indigestion in people with gastro-intestinal problems ,especially when consumed in raw condition.

abut Coconut Oil

Why Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a saturated fat that, unfortunately, has been falsely accused. For years we’ve been told saturated fat, along with cholesterol, cause of a host of health problems; the top three being coronary heart disease, cancer, and weight gain. This theory spread so quickly that people started condemning saturated fats and we became a society of low-fat diets and egg white powder devotees.
But, as your mother probably told you – don’t believe everything you hear.
It’s true that some fats are bad for us, those are the trans fats, the polyunsaturated and hydrogenated fats. But saturated fats (fats from tropical oils like coconut and olive oils, and animal fats) are actually the healthiest fats you can and should eat. Coconut oil is 92% saturated.

Coconut Oil & Our Health

Saturated fats are absolutely essential for brain development and growth in newborns and children. They contain lauric acid, the same fatty acid found in breast milk, which has potent antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
Saturated fats:
  • provide calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, and many trace minerals
  • enhances the immune system
  • protects against viruses, yeasts, parasites, and other pathogens in the gut
  • nourishes brain, heart, nerves, hormones, and cells
  • improves digestion
  • improves nutrient absorption
  • kills the viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses
  • kills bacteria that causes ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and other diseases
  • boost immunity
  • optimizes digestion

    Coconut Oil & Weight Loss

    Contrary to popular brainwashing, er, belief, saturated fats do not make you fat. They are directly absorbed into your body for quick energy. They boost metabolism and stimulate weight loss. Some fabulous books to read on this subject are Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, Why We Get Fat: And What to do About It by Gary Taubes, and Eat Fat, Look Thin by Bruce Fife.
    Visit our page on weight loss for more details.

    Coconut Oil For Your Skin

    Your skin is an organ. It absorbs everything you put on it. Coconut oil will:
    • lubricate and soften the skin
    • speed healing when massaged into red, cracked, dry, or infected skin
    • control dandruff by massaging into your scalp
    • improve your complexion
    • act as exfoliate and remove dead skin
    • keep skin strong and elastic – it helps heal stretch marks (woohoo!)
    There’s so much more information out there about coconut oil. We’ve just nicked the tip of the iceberg. You can browse some of our favorite books on the subjects that changed the way I look at oils and fats. My love/hate relationship with them is now pure love.
    In fact, we use so much that I buy it in 5 gallon pails. Purchasing it in that large of quantity is cheaper in the long run.
    try to use daily ur recepies.

abut Ginger

Ginger – known most commonly for nausea, ginger’s healing benefits go back thousands of years. It was specifically mentioned in the Ayurveda, the Hindu manual of medicine written in the fifth century BC. An ancient Indian proverb states: ‘every good quality is contained in ginger.’
The ancient Greeks and Romans valued ginger for it’s medicinal uses. In England, during the Middle Ages, one pound of ginger was equal in value to a sheep – which only the wealthy could afford. Queen Elizabeth I used it as a digestive aid.
More recently, scientists at the University of Minnesota compared zingibain, an enzyme in ginger, with papain, an enzyme in papaya known for its ability to digest protein, and found their actions comparable. Amazingly, though, it would take 180 lbs of papaya to equal the effect of just one lb of ginger.
Another study was done by Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City showing ginger more effective at relieving motion sickness than Dramamine
  • anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation (similar to aspirin but without the side effects)
  • anti-parasitic – eradicates infections of parasites
  • anti-septic – prevents infection
  • anti-spasmodic – relaxes all types of muscle
  • anti-thrombotic – prevents formation of blood clots (ginger has been found as effective as aspirin in reducing the formation of clots and subsequent blockages)
  • diaphoretic – increases perspiration (good for detoxing)
  • eases headaches and migraines
  • enhances metabolism of fats and protein
  • expectorant – promotes expulsion of phlegm and mucous
  • hypotensive – reduces blood pressure
  • improves blood circulation in limbs and extremities
  • inhibits the growth of micro-organisms while simultaneously allowing beneficial bacteria to grow
  • regulates peristalsis (wave-like movement of muscles in the digestive tract that pushes food and waste through the digestive system. This eases both diarrhea and constipation, whether resulting from illness or eating habits)
  • relieves motion sickness and upset stomach
  • relieves sore throats when used as a gargle
  • shields against ulcers, colds and flu, and heart disease
  • treats colic
  • treats dyspepsia (pain or discomfort associated with eating (e.g. indigestion, nausea, and vomiting)
  • abut onions

    Onions- like garlic, onions were known throughout history as a cure for many illnesses. Alexander the Great fed onions in huge quantities to his troops to strengthen them for battle. During World War II the vapors of onion paste were used to reduce pain and accelerate healing of wounds.
    • anti-allergenic – prevents or relieves allergies
    • anti-asthmatic – prevents asthma attacks
    • anti-bacterial – destroys or suppresses bacterial growth
    • anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation (e.g. arthritis and gout)
    • antimicrobial – helps the body resist or destroy pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses)
    • anti-septic – prevents infection
    • anti-thrombotic – prevents formation of blood clots
    • blood cleanser
    • decongestant – relieves mucus congestion of the upper respiratory tract
    • diaphoretic – increases perspiration (good for detoxing)
    • diuretic – increases production and elimination of urine
    • expectorant – promotes expulsion of phlegm or mucous
    • helps insomnia
    • high iron content
    • hypotensive – reduces blood pressure
    • lowers cholesterol
    • lowers triglyceride level
    • stimulates growth of good bacteria

    About Garlic

    Garlic – used for centuries to treat every complaint from a cold to the plague, garlic is known for a plethora of health benefits. Prior to antibiotics, garlic preparations were placed on wounds during war to prevent infections. Scientific research has proven that it strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and fevers, and has direct anti-microbial actions equal to many antibiotic drugs (without the side effects).
    • antibiotic – kills microorganisms
    • anti-diabetic – lowers glucose levels
    • anti-fungal – kills fungus (e.g. candida)
    • anti-microbial – helps the body resist or destroy pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses)
    • antioxidant – prevents free radical oxidative damage
    • anthelmintic – destroys parasitic worms
    • anti-thrombotic – prevents formation of blood clots
    • anti-spasmodic – relieves smooth muscle spasms (e.g. stomach and intestine)
    • cholagogue – promotes bile flow
    • diaphoretic – increases perspiration (good for detoxing)
    • expectorant – promotes expulsion of phlegm or mucous
    • hypotensive – reduces blood pressure
    • immuno-stimulant – stimulates immune system

    Cough & Running nose


    This is the season when people suffer from various kind of illness. Cough and cold,running nose,sinusitis,fever, loose motion ,vomiting are most amongst them. Today in my this post i will be dealing with some medicines for cough and cold ,running nose for both adults and kids who are of 1+ age.

    1.The ingredients that you will need are as follows:-

    turmeric - 1 tsp
    honey - 1 tsp
    freshly extracted ginger juice - 1tsp
    pepper powder - 1tsp
    lemon juice -1 tsp

    Method of consuming:-
    Mix all the 5 ingredients mentioned above in a bowl and should be taken early morning in empty stomach.
    This course of medicine should be repeated for another 4-5 days although you see the patient has recovered.

    Working mode of the drug:-
    This will help to liquify all the thickened sputum and remove it out from the body.
    It purges out through any of the out let.i.e- either mouth or may be expelled thro' stools.
    Some times the patients may even vomit out after taking this medicine. Its absolutely ok. Its actually good if they throw out in that manner so he can feel a bit relieved too.
    You may also observe a bit loose stools in some which is another way of expelling the sputum.

    2. Ginger juice:-
    This one is helpful for productive cough especially when the sputum becomes very thick and foul smelling.

    Ginger juice - 2 tsp
    honey - 1 tsp
    turmeric powder - 1 pinch

    Mode of intake:-
    Mix all the ingredients and consume it after light food. In case of kids 1/2 tsp each of ginger and honey will be enough. You can even increase the amount of honey if the kid is very small.This can be given to 8-12 months baby too

    3. Pepper decoction:-
    Pepper corn - 2 tsp
    water - 2 cups
    jaggery - 2 tsp
    ghee - 1 drop

    Mode of intake :-
    Crush the pepper corn coarsely . Add them to a sauce pan with the water and simmer and allow it to reduce to 3/4 cup then add ghee and jaggary and bring one boil. Sieve and serve when its warm .

    This can be taken at any time of day.good for both dry as well as productive cough.

    4. Jeera laddo :-
    Jeera [cumin] seeds - 2-3 tsp
    jagrary - 1tbsp

    1. Dry roast the cumin seeds in a pan until they turn a bit dark in color .
    2. Crush it by pounding it with jaggery.
    3. This will for a single sticky mass. Now roll out small ladoos out of them and store in a air tight container.
    4. Have frequently when throat irritates .
    5. This is very good for dry cough and throat irritations

    Eye redness,watering & itching

    Quick solution for your problem of burning sensation of eye,redness,repeated watering and itching

    Dear friends here is a very easy home made medicine which is a solution for your eye problems.It also helps
    people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and have a problem of dry eyes and over strained by the end of the day .It also helps people with reduces sleep /insomnia/even to those who are edicted to night life or even students who stay late night.

    There are many causes for this
    -working in front of the computer,microscope...such other work which gives a lot of stain to the eyes.
    - night outs
    -reduced sleep
    -excessive exposure to sunlight and dust,pollution,smoke or heat like welding,mines etc.
    -side effect in diabetic patient
    -increased pitta in body
    -consuming excess of spicy food
    Materials required:

    1 cup- warm water
    2 tsp- roughly powdered dry coriander seeds
    clean white cloth (small square) -for draining

    -Take a clean cup and pour the roughly powdered seeds of coriander to it .
    -Add 1 cup f warm water to it
    -Cover it by a lid and leave it as it is over night.
    -Next morning drain it through a cloth and collect the clear solution in a bowl
    -Now divide it into 2parts.
    1st part must be consumed by adding sugar to it.Note that one must have it empty stomach.
    The 2nd part must be used as a eye drops, put about 3-4 drops to each eye.It might burn at the beginning.
    This can be done twice a day.If possible its good if one washes his eyes with the same water.

    By keeping cucumber slices or grated cucumber over the closed eye lids also helps in relaxing the strained eyes and reduces the burning sensation.By drinking juice prepared out of cucumber also gives a relief to the burning sensation in the eyes

    -- application of home made kaajal also helps in cooling the eye .It relaxes the muscles.

    ---application of anjana [kaajal] made out of flowers or cucumber is much beneficial.

    ---Ice massage relaxes eye stain and the musclea.It also helps in burning senstion in the eyes.

    Wash your hands properly.Ask the patient to lie staight in supine position.Then close his eyes and relax.Now take about 2-3 ice cubes and rub to the palms of your hands until you can bear the cold.Then slowly and gently give a soft massage to the closed lids in circular fashion,then sideways and then to the for head finally entire face.This releave sthe tiredness and leaves the patient fresh.This is very benificial.after this ask the patient to relax for 3 mins with closed eye then gently rub his palms and bend it to make cup like and place the palms over eye ball and then slowly open his eyes.

    ---Pulp of aloevera can do wonders in burning senastions of the eye.Method:
    -Remove the pulp out of a washed cleaned aloevera.This procedure must be performed in a dark room where there is no noise and dust.
    -Ask the patient to sleep in supine posture /staight.Then place a piece of clean white cloth or a thin gauze piece over the closed lid.
    -Then put the pulp of aloevera[ kumari] over the cloth.
    -This must be retained by the patient for about 20 mins.
    -Then slowly remove the pulp and cloth.Slowly rub the lids with wet cotton.And ask the patient to open the eyes after keeping the rubbed palm over the lids for 100 counts.

    --Application of paste made out of fresh mint leaves or coriander leaves to the scalp also gives a cool effect to the eyes.

    -- Application of pulp of hibiscus and even the pulp of aloevera to the scalp relieves the burning sensation of the eyes.

    Appliction of Henna paste to teh scalp also reduces burning senstion of teh eyes

    -- Application of paste of overnight soakes methi seeds also helps in reducing the burning sensation of teh eys.Internally consuming methi seeds by soaking overnicht is much beneficial.

    -- Consuming overnicht soaked dried raisens in milk ,empty stomach early morning also reduced the burning sensations.

    For monthly problems

    Monthly problem?

    Painful menstuation (dismenorrhoea) is the most comman problem what most of the girls and ladies are facing.Here today i will quote some easy benefiting remedies for such problems.
    There are basically 5 types of vata's as per ayurveda.All 5 have different functions in different parts of the body.Thus when there are maintained in a state of equlibrium the body will function properly.But when this balance is lost not only the vata but also the pitta and khapa it leads to ill health or other problems in the body.
    In this condition apaana vayu is effected.This has the role in lower half of the body basically.Expulsion of the wastes is done by apana vayu.Not only this even delivery of a baby all other important functions are cariied away by this variety of vata.Here urdvagathi of vayu takes place leading to pain in the groin region and also uneasiness in the lower abdomen region.So main intention of our treatment is towards correction of apana vayu.


    .Just before the menstruation starts i.e about 1 week before, one can take chandra prabha vati that is twice daily,With a cup of warm milk

    2.Befor 10 days start taking ashokaristam once- 3 tsp with equal amount of water before sleeping.This will act as a uterine tonic.

    3.During the time of mensus pain -Take about 1 inch piece of jaggery with warm water,twice a day.This will give instant energy to bear the pain and also has the medicinal value
    4.Take about a pinch of hing in a pan, add2 drops of ghee in it and slightly roast it for 1 min under low heat.Then take a well riped banana and slight into half, place this hing in the middle and as the patient to eat it in empty stomach,followed buy a cup of warm water.

    5.There is a plant that is called as ishwari moola (Sanskrit). Its very bitter in taste.One must grate it in raw milk as we do with the chandan The paste of this root of about 1 tsp is given to the patient in empty stomach early morning .This also helps the patient.

    6.Taking 2 tsp of pudina ie mint puree also helps to reduce the pain as well as blotting senstion .

    For gaining weight

    Simple methods to gain weight

    My todays topic is a request by a friend.Feel free to ask for the topics of your choice and i'll be happy to post them.Well many of the indivisuals are facing the problem of underweight.due to many reasons one may not gain weight and by eating or following same procedures the other may easily gain weight.There are various reason for this.

    It may be due to the genes.Parents or one of the parent has the nature of not gaining weight even though the person involves in any type of food habbits or regimen.So this will be inherited by the offspring also.

    There may be some problem because of which the persons intestine may not be able to absorb the essential materials or end products of digestion which inturn results in malnurishment thus leading to underweight.

    3.Digestive problems:
    The indivisual may not be in the state of having enough food due to some causes like for eg- some get indigestion if they have even a little extra food,or may be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome,or colonitis or something like that.The person may not be involving with correct habbits or exercises to get the food digested well , assimilated and the good part of the end product of digestion to be absorbed to meet the body needs.


    The person may be unaware about the proper quantity or proportion of various component of food what he has to consume.
    Like the vegetables which he has to take about half the portion of his meal,then fats and carbs together about 1/4 part odf his diet,protiens and vitamins to 1/4 th part of his meal.thus it goes on.We generally say this as stomach may be divided to 3 parts and - 1/3rd of it must be filled with solid food particals ,
    - another 1/3 rd must be filled with liquid particals
    - last 1/3 rd must be left vacant for the air to circulate and aid the digestion.

    I have already mentioned about the shad rasa yukta ahara to be consumed and at what stages they have to be consumed in my earlier post.So please follow them if you have missed.

    5.Low Hb% in the body:
    If a person is aneamic also then wont gain boost up your Hb%

    6.Unkown cause:
    Here no matter what ever the person does,there is no problems of digestion absorption or malnourishment but the indivisual remains thin but active and helathy.This is ok.That can be called as his inborn constitution which i will be discussing in my future posts.

    Now you might have already tried many home remidies or medicine for this problem of under weight or or over lean ...
    But here are some easy and simple goahead aand give a try.I will be prescribing some ayurvedic medicines but this is general.It varies from person to person depending upon thier age ,weight and duration,appitite.So one who wanna try ayurvedic medicines which are really promising as i have tried in many patients and have got wonderful results please contact me and i can advice you for proper dosage and pathya, etc.

    1.Home remidies direct from your kitchen:-
    -you must first record your weight before starting this and record weekly on a perticular day of a week for a month.

    A]- Take 1tbsp of ghee and add 1tbsp of sugar to it mix and lick this mixture little by little in empty stomach just before lunch and dinner .and then after 30 mins you can have your meals.
    - Continue this for atleast a month to see the benifits.

    B]- Make a habbit of consuming one well ripen banana with a cup of warm milk with a tsp of ghee mixed or stirred into itwith little sugar .Here sugar is for taste.

    ]- Make a habbit of eating food in little quantity for very 2 hrs.Here i dont mean junks.May be fruits,vegetables,juices,dry fruits etcs.

    D]-Always eat well balanced food,Which includes all the essential components including good fats also.

    E]-Drink water after you meal atleast 1 cup full.this will help for better digestion and also to gain weight.

    F]- Boost up your apittite by working out daily for atleast 30 mins.May be brisk walk,or just alittle bit of walking,dancing etc.

    G]-Make a habbit of taking a light nap after a afternoon meal for about 30 mins to 1 hr.This will also help to gain weight.Try to get sound and good amount of sleep at nights too.

    H]- Try to remain calm and happy.this contentment is really required because this is always related to mind .Body and mind are interlinked...So well balanced state of body with mind is called as a healthy condition or the man is called helathy.

    I]-Eat soaked dry grapes or dates soaked in warm milk over night .this should be taken empty stomach.It will also increase the Hb% .thus acts as two in one.

    2] Now comming down to Ayurvedic medicines:-
    1.Khushmanda avaleha - 1 tsp twice daily with a cup of warm milk before bed and early in tghe morning empty stomach has a wonderful result.This should be done atleast for a month.this will also increase the heamoglobin percentage in the blood
    2.Swamala compound a leha of doothpapeshwar company works wonders over the mal-nourished body.Even this should be taken spoon ful early morning or just before food with a cup of milk for best result.this should be take for atleast 1 month.

    3.Ashwagandhavaleha-this one more type of avaleha which helps as a general tonic and given even better reults in men.May be taken with warm water or milk.

    4.Chavan prash-This is also a very good leha.Method of intake is same as other.It has many dry fruits,amla[gooseberry and many medicinal roots].Best for emaciation caused as a result of some chronic diseases.

    5.Draksharista- 3tsp of this should be taken with equal amount of boiled and cooled water with a drop of honey thrice a day for atleast 1 month.

    6.Ashwaganda choorna may be taken with ghee or honey or even milk thrice daily .

    Thus there are many more Aushadha /medicines in Ayurveda for this or any other problems.

    Hair Care

    Hair care with hibiscus

    All of us are facing the problem with hairfall,lack of shine and nourishment to the hair,lusterless hair etc.....
    Well friends here is a easy remedy to all of you with this problems.

    Step 1:
    -1st of all friends take some oil ,i prefer coconut oil in a small cup and keep in over a boiling water for 5 mins till the oilbecomes slightly warm.
    -then take a cotton swab and dip it in the warm oil and then seperate your hair follicles in vertical and horizontal strips and apply the oil to the scalp.
    - after this with the finger tips massage the scalp slowly and gently in circular fashion for 10 mins.
    -Then comb you rhair gently for about 5 mins .

    This increases the blood supply to the scalp and also helps in uniformly oiling your scalp.

    Step 2:
    -Take some fresh tender leaves and flowers of hibiscus( any type).
    -Then wash and clean the leaves, bleand into a thick paste by adding enough water.
    -Then apply it to the scalp and then to entire hair ,keep this mixture in the hair for 15 mins and then take bath.
    First pour about 3-4 mugs of water and allow the hair to soften.Then slowly rince the hair with only warm water then go for mild shampoo or any thing of your choise.

    Aloevera can aalso be added here.This gives an extra conditionering effect to your hair.
    You will see the effect in 1 st wash itself.
    Continue the same for every wash for better results or atleast once in a week or 15 days.

    For loose motions

    Best medicine for loose motion

    Here is a simple yet a powerful home remedy for your problem of loose stools
    This mat occur due to many causes
    3.Food poisoning
    4.Irritable bowl syndrome
    5.Ulcerative colitis
    6.Execise consumption of food without proper chewing of the food and so on....

    1.Pomegranate fruit is a well known tasty fruit with beautiful colour.This has a unique medicinal property.This fruit taken in any for acts as a instant medicine.May be as a juice, Or fruit as a whole.
    2.For the best effect, a strong decoction of the sun dried peal of Pomegranate is good.

    Take about 3,4 pieces of the dried peal and add about 2 cups of water to it and boil in a medium heat without closing the mouth of the vessel.Cane sugar or sugar grystals can be added about 2 cubes,and reduce this decoction to1/2 cup.consume this 1 hr after your meal.

    3.The same dried peal can be even powdered and kept in a airtight container .This powder can be take with thick curds .Take about 1/2 tsp of this powder and add this to 1 cup thick curds and consume it in empty stomach.
    4.The strong decoction of tea i.e black tea also helps to stop the loose stools.

    5.Curds by itself is also a medicine.Note that i am speaking of fresh sweet curds that is prepared thatday it should not be sour, in all the above cases.

    Dear friends note that loose stools should not be stopped untill and unless its severe.If you tend to pass the stools 3-4 times then donot go for these measure.Just take a bit of curds, then keep drinking lots of water and lime juice with sugar and pinch of salt diluted with water.

    6.When the patient experiences stomach upset for more than 1 day then i recomment a special medicine.This is a folklore medication easy to prepare and yummy too,

    -Take about 1 large onion,chop lenght wise into thin pieces
    -Then in a pan add 2-3 tsp of ghee .
    -when the ghee melts and becomes hot add these thinly scliced onions and fry till the turn slightly brown.
    - ask the patient to eat this with the rice as a meal.Nothing else should be given.
    - this will reduce the catching pain in the abdomen and also the frequency of passing the stools.
    It will also boost up the energy of the patient

    control kidney stones or stones related to urinary tract

    Some hints to control kidney stones or stones related to urinary tract.

    This is one of the comman complaint what most of the people face in present days.There are many causes for this problem of stones.There are various varities of stones.They may be uric acid crystals,calcium oxalate crystals,Cystine stones and many more varities of stones.The problem of urinary calculi is more comman in males than in females.The ratio is 3:1.

    The urinary stones are of different sizes and shapes.They may be samll as sand or large as a marble.They may have smooth surface or a cutting edge and rough.The small stones of the size of about-4-5 cmm pass of easily and requires no medication.They may even remain unidentified of a long time.But those larger and with irregular surface often causses pain when they dislocate from its position ,and when thrown out of the body.

    Causes and measures for thier prevention:
    -First and most comman cause is reduced intake of water.Most of us do not take enough amount of water.An healthy indivisual should consume atleast 2-3 litres of water in a day.So this should be the first step to be taken to avoid the reccurance and even as a prevention for urinary stones.One who are already facing the problem i advice them to increase the volume of water intake to atleast 2-3 times from before.

    -IF one with holds the urge of urination and retains it in the bladder for long time in due course it will result in the formation of Calculi[stone].This may be due to work or circumstances.This is a bad habbit and causes various other problems like pain in the lower abdomen,infections of urinary tract,headache etc.Hence never try to with hold the urge of micturation for too long.


    Next consuming execcive salt and mineral rich diet.Lemme tell you excess of anything is always harmful.So reduce intake of such food articles.Take a balanced diet.

    Execive intake of green leafy vegetables which are rich sources of calcium and many otherminerals and salt is not advisable,Cabbage must be avoided as much as possible.Even cucumber should not be taken too much.Once in 10-15 days is ok.


    Ask pateint to take excessive fluids in his diet,barley water is a very good medicine.

    -Following a sedentary life style is also a cause for the urinary calculi

    -The risk increases in those who comsume lots of legumes and pulses and also those who take it very often.


    The juice extracted from the stem of banana plant is the best medicine.It crushed the stones and removes it out from the tract and eliminates it out from the body.The reason is its rich in fibers and has got a medicinal property to crush the stones.
    The stem of banana plant taken in any form is very helpful in this case..Even the juice from the roots of banana plant is beneficial
    - consuming banana daily also acts as a preventive measure.

    -Even the atmospheric conditiond contribute to the formation of stones.Eg- living in tropical regions,i.e-where the temperature is very high there the concentration of uric acid increases and exessive sweat leads to reduction of water levels in the body.If the person does'nt take enough water it will leads to stones formation in the urinary tract.

    -People working in mines are much prone to such problems.

    -People working in office with AC will naturally tend to sweat less and inturn lead to reduced intake of water which also leads to this problem again.
    Exessive intake of spicy food and sodium rich food is also a cause for this

    - intake of execess of salt in the diet is also harmful.

    -Avoid execcive intake of non vegetarian food ,spicy food and sour tastes in food.
    -There is an execellent medicine in ayurveda for this problem

    calcium food

    Calcium rich food

    Todays topic is about calcium, its role,food contents which are rich in calcium and ways to prevent reduced calcium count and protect the health of bones.As this was requested by one of the regular visitor here i am with this topic.

    To begin with calcium is the essential component of the body.Its a mineral which helps in building the skeletal frame of the body.Bones and the teeth in our body mainly contains calcim with phoshorus that is in the form of calcium phosphate.
    Calcium is one such mineral which is produced in our body to a little extent .It is absorbed from the blood and store in bones to a little extent.

    Generally the growth of the body takes place from 0-25 yrs of age.It various in each indivisual.Noramally at an average -
    Femals its from 0-19 yrs
    Males its 0-22 yrs at an average.
    This is mainly carried out by the growth harmaone which is released from pitutory glands located in the brain.But the body continues to built up the bone mass and the density up till 30 yrs of ageHEnece one must indulge in food habbits which is rich in calcium,magnesiun,potassium and vitamin-D and K2 throughout childhood and adolescence for a healthy and strong bone.

    Reasons for reduce calcium levels-
    1.Poor absorbtion of calcium by the system
    2.Reduced intake of calcium
    3.Some thyroid gland malfunctioning[As its responsible for the maintanace of calcium level in the body.
    4.During the menopausal period.
    5.unkown causes
    6.Improper assimilation of calcium .

    Reduced calcium level in the body leads to :-
    -frequent fractures of the bone
    -delayed clotting of blood if there is some injury
    -cavities in tooth.
    -reduced body weight
    -problems related to heart as it helps in pumping actions of the heart.
    -pain in multiple joints etc

    Causes of osteo porosis:
    -Reduced calcium intake
    -sedentory life style
    -improper care during menopause
    -cigarette smoking
    -excessive alcohol intake
    -intake of immuno suppressive drugs
    -harmonal imbalance
    -improper fuctioning of thyroid glands

    Food items which are rich in calcium :-
    Animal product:
    -Curds/yogurt [contains much calcium than milk also]
    -Cheese [note ricotta cheese is rich in calcium than any other cheese]
    -fish [salmon with bone is really a good source of calcium]
    -meat with bones are much beneficial

    Plant product:
    -Soya milk,and even curds etc.
    -Soya bean
    -Turnip leaves-All leafy vegetables
    -corn bread

    Cold & Cough

    Simple remedies for cold and cough

    As this is the winter season and weather keeps fluctuating comman cold and fever are the more commanest ailments what most of us suffer from.So my todays topic of discussion is comman cold.

    Most commonest causes for cold coughare:-
    -Change or fluctuation in weather conditions which in turn results or favours growth of various varities of virusus.
    -Viral infections of throat
    -exposure to too cold climate
    -sudden exposure to cold then entering a well heated rooms or so
    -Change or drinking water which is supposed to be most comman cause
    -excessive consuption of frosen or chilled food articles
    -exposure to dust and pollans
    -working late nights
    -exessive exposure with people who are already infected with cold
    -here the problems are more because of poor ventilation and extreemes of climate
    -staying in an room were there is poor air circulation ,or in a room with heaters or Air conditioner on for whole day
    So thus the list goes on.
    1.Daily intake of rejuvinating tonics which also enhances the immunity of the body and strengthens it from the core like chyavan prash leham,khushmanda Leham,Ashvagandha avaleham,swamala compound etc depanding on the body constituents can help to inbuilt the immunity within our body and prevent us from most of the diseases.

    2.Practising breathing exercises like pranayama sudarshana kriya etc will make our respiratory system strong and prevent us from getting any respiratory illness.

    3.There are certain yogas which also gives desired effect.

    4.One who suffer from cold and cough very often there is a simple procedure for this.Early morning just immediatly after getting up from bed, gargle your mouth and give a quick rinse and the drink about 1.5-2 litres of water till you feel totally full,then kindle your throat with a finger ,just by tickling with your clean hands and vomit out the entire water till you feel the sourness in your mouth.This will help to expell out the sputum and other debries.This also helps in acidity problems also.

    When you have cough and there is severe conjestion and feel difficult to breath ,take a hot vapour of water with ecalyptus oil ,or any vapouriser added to boiling water and take a steam for about 100 coulnt.This will dialate the bronchus and the blocks in the nose.Helps in nasal conjestions too.

    6.Simple vapour with only water daily is helpful in sinusitis also.This must be done regularly before going to be .This also relieves head ache and helps to relax.Its even good for skin.It cleanses the pores and removes the debries form the skin pores.Hence helps the skin to breath.Helps in achne problems too..

    7.Water with hand full of rock salt should be used to take vapours in severe cough or mild could and heavyness in the head.

    8.A concentrated decoction out of peppercorns with cumin and jaggery also helps to expell out all the sputun and gives a pleasent feeling when there is productive cough and thick cough comming out.

    9.Juice of beetle leaf must be extracted about 2 tsp to it add 1 tsp of honey mix well and give daily twice after 30 mins after food in case of cough.Helps a lot and should be done for 4-5 days atleast.

    Finely minced ginger mixed with llittle honey is really a good remedy in case of sevre night times cough.

    A quater of fresh onion chewed with a piece of jaggery kept in middle helps to relieve the chest congestion and helps in removing the sputum easily.Thus is a good cure for cough.

    12.Cane sugar itself is a good medicine for dry cough which troubles a lot during night times.


    Just keeping a clove in your toung also helps in dry cough.

    14.Tulsi leaves about 6-8 leaves also helps in cough and cold.

    15Dhooma paan that is the smoke of turmeric has an antiseptic action in case of cold and cough.Burn a dried root of turmeric and inhale the smoke for about 5-6 times.This relieves the congestion.It can also be done in another way.Take a small mud vessel and place a cup of water below.Then add red hot charcoal to the clay or mud vessel and add little dried leaves to it.Then heap up a spoon full of turmeric cover it and give a gentle blow so that it catches fire then inhale it.This will act as a good antiseptic to your lungs and respiratory tract.

    16.Dhouthi and nethi are the 2 procedures of yoga which are very beneficial.