
Monday, November 19, 2012

Enjoy the well

General Rules from Inception of Pregnancyto Delivery The mother-to-be should -
  • Always try to be in a happy mood
  • Be clean, neat and well dressed
  • Wear simple clothes
  • Sleep under a roof in a clean environment (not infested with insects such as mosquito's etc.)

The food she eats should be tasty, more of it should be in a liquid form, moist, nourishing, enriched with all the six rasas (tastes) and treated by deepan drugs which are known to increase appetite and digestive power.
She should always avoid -
  • Excessive sex particularly during early and late pregnancy
  • Overeating or fasting
  • Sleeping during the day time and staying up late at night
  • Tight clothes and tight belts
  • Witnessing or listening to things which give rise to feelings of sorrow, anger, horror or agony
  • Travelling in a vehicle on rough roads
  • Squatting for a long time or sitting in an uncomfortable position or on a hard surface
  • Lifting heavy things or remaining in a bending position for a long time
  • Oleation massage etc. unless positively indicated
  • Beholding natural urges unless in an emergency
  • Dry, stale, fermented, heavy, hot or strong food, alcohol and meat (fish is allowed)
  • Visiting abandoned and remote places
  • Leaning into a deep well.

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